Engineering With New Perspectives

Heat Treated Bars

Heat Treated Bars

When there are properties highly required in steel bars, we perform heat treating for the production of heat-treated bars. Heat treating is typically used to attain the necessary mechanical properties especially to aid the machinability property.

To have more precise control of mechanical properties, these bars undergo stress relieving process.

Components like alloys are also improved through heat treating, typically on their hardenability. Attaining the ideal hardenability in alloys cannot be done through alloying elements only. Instead, a full cross-section is often used to increase the depth of hardness in each alloy.

The full cross-section method makes it possible for obtaining those desired mechanical properties in much larger sections without/ with lesser use of severe quenching means.

This is where heat treating comes in the process in which the depth of hardness of the alloy is determined by the alloying elements and along with the used heat-treating process.

Applications of Heat Treated Bars

Heat treated bars with improved mechanical properties are supplied for demanding applications requiring hydraulic machinery shafts, support tolling, etc.